04-08-2020Испытание покрытия WAGUNIT на морской воде

Испытание покрытия WAGUNIT на морской воде на ускоренное старение (условия испытания имитируют 30 летний срок нахождения материала в морской воде при обычных условиях)

Report on aging of the WAGUNIT H1050 raw rubber compound in sea water In this movie is described the testing of the rubber compound WAGUNIT – H1050. The testing is produced by the DIN EN standards. Also, by the DIN EN standards, appropriate equipment is needed. Testings that are held: testing of the hardness , measuring of the tensile stregnth, alongation and testing of the aging of the mixture in sea water in time of 7,14, 28 days at the temperature of 95°C (changes in hardness and volume). This test simulates aging of the rubber compound in sea water over 30 year period. Tests carried out in accordance with the requirements of NPCIL to confirm high quality and 30 years life time of valves producing by MIV (Croatia) hard-rubber lined with WAGUNIT 1050
